Illustration for Visão magazine
"IRS Para onde vão os nossos donativos"
The article explained how the IRS charitable contributions are distributed.
"IRS Para onde vão os nossos donativos"
The article explained how the IRS charitable contributions are distributed.

Illustration for Carrossel online magazine
"Preso por ter euros - e por não ter"
Article about the portuguese financial crisis
"Preso por ter euros - e por não ter"
Article about the portuguese financial crisis

Illustration for Visão magazine
"50 livros para dar (e receber) neste Natal"
The article was a selection of 50 books to offer at Christmas.
The illustration idea was a Christmas dinner that gathered the authors featured in the selection (Mick Jagger, JK Rowling, Jamie Oliver, Fernando Pessoa) with an ordinary family.
"50 livros para dar (e receber) neste Natal"
The article was a selection of 50 books to offer at Christmas.
The illustration idea was a Christmas dinner that gathered the authors featured in the selection (Mick Jagger, JK Rowling, Jamie Oliver, Fernando Pessoa) with an ordinary family.