Another set of random illustrations made between projects, just for fun and practice. Posted regularly on my Instagram.

Wasn't expecting much from the last Indiana Jones movie, but it turned out to be fun. However, Raiders and The Last Crusade will always be the top two.

Major Tom walks into another dimension with the universe in a suitcase.

Unable to run from the Barbie craze, decided to make a psycho version. Life in plastic is fantastic.

Since I created a Barbie piece, I decided to make an Oppenheimer one as well. Portraits aren't my specialty, but this one didn't turn out too badly.

This one started has a drawing of random dude and ended up as a tribute to the genius of David Bowie.

Everyone as their one comfort food, but my pasta never talked to me... at least when sober.

This is a critique of the excessive media coverage surrounding Pope Francis' recent visit to Portugal. Hours upon hours of television were filled with trivial and nonsensical reports.

A bit of fun with the idea that the World Youth Day seems to be an Woodstock for catholics.